March 13, 2007
Dear Friends of Principia #8,
I will not try to duplicate things you have already read at the website .
The Pilot published on March 2nd was the last one until spring quarter [a 6 week hiatus]. Most of the articles are on line at Truth at Principia.
*Questions & Controversy dog new Dean of the College Position
*Revealed CEO/Chair split not permanent
*Faculty salaries based on faulty benchmarks
*100 questions & issues discussed at meeting [fact finding topics]
*Reform advice from community [Educators associated with Prin offer
recommendations to resolve controversy]
Attached to this letter is one article not published on line
*Expert stresses more democracy in institution
In late February the College Faculty had a series of meetings concerning the Dean of Faculty position. They issued a statement outlining an "expedited process that we believe is transparent and democratic, in accord with Mrs. Morgan’s wishes and our Policies." Following an open nomination process at a combined faculty staff meeting three nominees, Dr. Tom Fuller, Dr. Karen Grayson, and Dr. Greg Sandford were selected and their names were submitted to the Trustees on March 1st.
On March 6th the Trustees responded to the Faculty and Staff slate of candidates. George Moffett and Stuart Jenkins will interview them and announce who will fill the position no later than the April 19th Board Meeting.
Edward T Wright, US ’42, CX ’46 wrote a piece “Our Duty to Principia” which speaks to (1) Restructuring our present administrative organization and (2) Making sure the real issues are presented, and supported with sufficient evidence. It is attached.
If you look at either Truth at Principia or the Trustee’s website [] you can read about the three new trustees appointed at the Board’s meeting in October. Read their bios. Anyone who donates their time and energies to Principia is appreciated. Are you impressed with their qualifications? Will the “new board” be better equipped to think and act independently? The desire of many faculty, students, staff and alumni for a board that represents more constituencies was not addressed.
The Alumni office took over membership duties for the Prin Clubs last summer [they now set a uniform membership rate, send out membership solicitations and renewals, receive dues and bank the funds]. Here is how one alumnus responded to a recent membership solicitation [attached]:
Hi Kristin, [she sent the membership letter from the Alumni Office]
Thanks so much for this lovely invitation. I am deeply grateful for the education and mentoring I received at
Again, thank you for contacting me and for your wonderful work for Principia! I look forward to being able to join Prin Club and help in any way I can at some point.
With gratitude,
On February 27th Terri Jackson, Director of Alumni and Field Relations, sent a letter [attached] to the Principia Club Presidents. Her letter attempted to “calm the storm”. Unfortunately some of her words only increased the concern of many Prin supporters. She wrote in the 3rd paragraph…
If there is one thing you do need to know, it is that one infinite God governs, and is greater than the belief of many minds. Now is the time for patience and poise, to stand firm on a spiritual foundation of trust and love for all mankind. The statements from the Principia Trustees, the governing body of the institution, are the official statements from Principia and convey all the information you need.
Joanna Reed, President of the Minnesota Prin Club took exception to this seeming limitation on free speech. She wrote back…
Dear Terri,
Undoubtedly there are hundreds of Christian Scientists around the world who are indeed aware of what is going on at Principia these days. Many hundreds are praying earnestly to see healing and resolution to issues that will bless both campuses.
As president of the Minnesota Prin Club I appreciate your reaching out to all of the various clubs. I will be sharing your e-mail with the other board members here.
There is a statement in your piece that departs from the healing message that you endeavored to impart. That being, "The statements from the Principia Trustees, the governing body of the institution, are the official statements from Principia and convey all the information you need." This leaves no room for dialog, healing, or correcting of issues presently concerning everyone. You ask that we only listen to one side. Perhaps we might want to think about our leader's words in Science and Health p. 238:25 where she says, "Society is a foolish juror, listening only to one side of the case."
If we were to obey your directions we would not know the specific things we need to pray about. Surely we should hear and respect the voices of the faculty, staff, alumni, donors without whom there would be no Principia. Some Prin clubs may be wrestling with whether to continue present activities until there is resolution - "not a false convenient peace."
An observant alumnus brought to my attention the inconsistencies in requirements for Christian Science branch membership in posted jobs on the Prin website and the fact that none requires Class Instruction….even for college president
Qualifications: Active Christian Science church membership; Christian Science class instruction. [Academic Dean -
Minimum requirements: Membership in The Mother Church and active branch church membership preferred. [Chaperones - Admissions Office]
Qualifications: Membership in The Mother Church and active branch church membership required; Christian Science class instruction preferred. [Field Development Officer ]
Qualifications: Strong Christian Science background; active Christian Science church membership and Christian Science class instruction preferred. [Summertime Discovery Program Specialist]
Qualifications: Commitment to Christian Science; active church membership; Christian Science class instruction preferred; [College President]
Qualifications: Active Christian Science church membership [Education Department Faculty]
It seems to me that
Have you considered signing The Petition? Just released are the names of 34 initial signers.
Won’t you join them? Let’s return Christian standards to governance at Prin!
David Brooks Andrews--US'72, C'76 (preschool thru college), Wellesley, MA
Celeste Love Thurman Archer--C'83, Denver, CO
Bill Babcock--C'72, Long Beach, CA
Nancy Niblack Baxter--parent of Jim Baxter (C'84), Indianapolis, IN
Joyce Huber Blumer--C'51--Zurich, Switzerland
Edward Drake Bradley--C'43, college faculty (1946-85), Elsah, IL
Paula Richter Bradley--C'52, college faculty (1953-95), Elsah, IL
Ralph Byron Copper--C'72, Boston, MA
Russell Davis--visiting college Theatre Artist 11/97 to 1/98--Malvern, PA
Peggy Fennell DesAutels--US'73, C'77, college faculty (1980-95), Lebanon, OH
June C. Dickinson--Former college staff--RC (1979-83), parent (PS thru College), granddaughter considering college--Wolfeboro, NH
Joe Fitzgibbon--US'03, current College student--Seattle, WA
David A. Foltz--C'60, college faculty (1960-88), college Dean of Faculty (1975-78), director of Summer Session (1980-84), Big Bear Lake, CA
Jennifer W. Frutig--US'65, C'69, Costa Mesa, CA
Judith K. Frutig--US'62; Prin Club in Detroit, Chicago, Orange Co.; 2 Summer Session CSM roundtables--Costa Mesa, CA
Bobbi McAdoo Gahlon--C'70, parent, officer of local Prin Club, Arden Hills, MN
James M. Gahlon--Parent, Officer of local Prin Club--Arden Hills, MN
Henry S. Hamlin--US'41, JC'43, Faculty & Staff 1943-45, 1954-96, son of Chairman of B/T--St. Louis, MO
Marjorie Day Hamlin--US'38, employed at every level PS, LS, MS, US, college, Summer Session, PACE programs, Alumni Weekends, from 1958-80, St. Louis, MO
Douglas W. Hawes--C'54, former Trustee, Paris, France
Jonathan Hinthorne--College Senior (C'07)--Ballwin, MO
Jeralyn Prugh (Hosmer) Lewitz--C'55, college staff (off and on 1961-94), parent of 2 alumni (PS thru college), Elsah, IL
Dorothy Donnelley Moller--Friend of Principia--Paradise Valley, AZ
Richard D. Morse--US'45, C'50, Retired College Professor (1988-00)--Elsah, IL
Lucia Mouat--US'54--Chicago, IL
Brad Newsham--US'68, C'72, Oakland, CA
Virginia Davis Nordin--C'56--Lexington, KY
Lark Natalia Rodman--XUS'02, C'06--London, England
The Honorable James S. Rosebush--C'71, Washington, DC
Brooke Howell Schmidt--C'71--Portland, OR
Paul D. Schmidt--C'71 (Men's Org Pres.1970-71), NEC 2000-03--Portland, OR
Beth Manni Sydness--C'74, parent of 2 current college students, former Alumni Board, Wilton, CT
KerryLynn Blau Williams--Wife of Professor Emeritus--Hayward, CA
Paul Osborne Williams--C'56, college faculty (1964-1986)--Hayward, CA
Explanation of Petition to the Principia Board of Trustees
We expect you are aware of the crisis at Principia and the very courageous stand that the College faculty, deans, student government and some former trustees have taken.
A number of alums and friends of Principia have been wondering how they can help support the efforts to call for important changes, so there is more of the genuine spirit of Christianity and democracy that Mary Kimball Morgan expected at her school.
It seems to many people that the time has come for a petition to support those at the school itself who are courageously calling for constructive change. We hope you will consider being a signer of the petition that is copied below.
If you are willing to be a signer, please send an e-mail to and include the following:
1) Your name, and maiden name if appropriate, as you would like it to appear.
2) Your connection to Principia, with the year you graduated or the years you worked at the school. If you don't have an obvious connection, you can simply say "Friend of Principia."
3) The city, state and country you live in.
4) Clear permission to use your name.
Please feel free to share this explanatory note and the petition with others whom you think might be willing to be signers. Please put your own personal note at the top of the explanation and copy the explanation and petition into your own e-mail before sending it, rather than simply forwarding it.
Petition to the Principia Board of Trustees
We, the undersigned, believe deeply that Principia needs to be returned to the moral and spiritual foundation that Mary Kimball Morgan established for it. We are earnestly praying for the school that has meant so much to our lives, as we hope it will to future generations. May it be filled with more of the integrity, genuine love for one another, and the spirit of godliness that are consistent with Christian Science. We believe the steps outlined in this petition will do much to help restore Principia to its founder's vision for it. Your willingness to take these steps would send a strong signal that you understand the trust that has been placed upon you as officers of a school that in the deepest sense belongs to so many people.
Sometimes an individual becomes too controversial for the good of the institution he or she serves. We believe this has become the case with Stuart Jenkins and his role at Principia, and so we ask that he have the grace to step down as CEO and Trustee and let the school move forward. Surely, such an unselfish act would bless him, perhaps in ways not yet known, as well as bless Principia. If he's not willing to step down, we ask that the Trustees remove him from both offices, with dignity but promptly, before confidence in the Trustees and the school is eroded further.
We believe that during his tenure as President, Dr. George Moffett has expressed the kind of vision, genuine love of others and understanding of Principia's spiritual purpose that are crucial to the future of the school. We ask that he be invited to remain as President of Principia College.
We are grateful that the Trustees stated in their memo of February 13, 2007, that "there will be no retribution against any participant in the [fact finding and dispute resolution] process." This promise should also apply retroactively to anyone who has raised concerns about problems at Principia.
The CEO should not be holding meetings with students that are closed to faculty and parents. At the very least, these private meetings create the appearance of attempting to assert personal influence and control over the students' views. This kind of behavior is unacceptable at any school or academic institution, most of all Principia.
We urge that the top-down management style that is currently practiced be replaced with genuine consulting of those who are affected by decisions. This step would do a great deal to help make Principia more of a school where students love to study, where faculty and staff love to work, and that alums and donors love to support. We were saddened that the Trustees appointed an Interim Dean of the College on February 21, 2007, without first consulting the College faculty, as they've requested. Such actions are inconsistent with the Trustees' assertions that they are committed to bridging divides in the Principia community.
We deeply regret that the Trustees were not willing to abstain from appointing new Trustees until after the fact finding and dispute resolution process. To have waited would have shown more respect for all at Principia who asked to be included in a discussion of how Trustees are selected. We ask that such a discussion take place with the Principia Community as a whole before any future Trustees are selected.
We believe it would help a great deal if you practiced rotation in office by enforcing, without exception, the current term limit for yourselves of nine years.
We urge you, the Trustees, to take these steps promptly and decisively in order that faith in you and in Principia itself may be restored.
We are committed to praying for Principia with all our heart that nothing prevent it from fulfilling its deepest purpose and from blessing all who come in contact with it.
With gratitude,
College Class of ‘71
Expert stresses more democracy in institution
Prin graduate and CEO of WorldBlu holds talk about the need for more open policies within business design
By Katie Farquhar
Staff writer
On February 15 and 16, Traci Fenton, a Principia graduate who is an expert on organizational democracy and is the founder and CEO of the company WorldBlu, addressed Wanamaker audiences about the importance of democratic institutions.
WorldBlu is a business design studio, a company that aims to change the benevolent dictatorships of the business world into democracies.
Fenton says true democratic organizations must adhere to specific principles, including transparency within the organization, constructive dialogue, individualism, and accountability.
“These principles apply to every organization,” said Fenton. “It’s like mathematics. There are just different advanced levels.”
Despite being prepared a full year in advance, the timing of the speech raised additional interest due to recent governance issues at Principia. Regarding the conflict, Fenton said she “wasn’t surprised. As an outsider looking in, I was seeing the signs of command and control leadership that are inherently self-destructive.”
Fenton said she believes “Principia should be a model of a democratic organization.” The institution first needs a commitment to becoming democratic, which is followed by a period of confusion and finally clarity. Everyone “needs to understand that it’s going to be tough and people get upset. It will be hard and there will be growing pains.” Fenton compares becoming truly democratic to climbing a mountain where you eventually get a beautiful view. Democracy “brings out the challenges faster so you can handle them.”
There is a spiritual basis to organizational democracy. Fenton states that man is self-governed and calls Mrs. Eddy “one of the first pioneers of organizational democracy.”
However, Fenton said, “Principia is not the
The basis of organizational democracy is to tap the full potential of the people and “create an environment where everyone can excel. It’s not about power.” Fenton said that people must rise, because “it’s your institution as much as anyone’s.”
In Fenton’s experience, fear is the number one problem in organizations. It “silences people, [and] keeps people obedient,” she noted. “The question needs to be, what we would do if we weren’t afraid?”
During her senior year of college, Fenton was the Public Affairs Conference director when the topic was democracy. The day after PAC, Fenton went on an
Fenton started WorldBlu in 1997 while a senior at Principia, though at the time it was a nonprofit think-tank dedicated to democracy. She launched WorldBlu in its current for-profit form in the fall of 2003.
“Prin should be a model of a world-class institution,” she added. “Therefore, it should employ the most enlightened and effective leadership and management models out there. That’s organizational democracy.”
OUR DUTY TO PRINCIPIA, By Edward T. Wright, US 42, CX 46
To those working directly to solve Prin's "Present Problem," and to all other Principians who are concerned, but have not become a part of the "controversy," I would like to comment on our duty, and the need to speak up. Then, I would like to discuss two positive ways in which we might correct some of the conditions causing the problem: (1)
restructuring our present administrative organization, and (2) making sure the real issues are presented, and supported with sufficient evidence.
I am not, and will not become, an attorney in any of the litigation that is likely to arise in this matter. I was in the courtroom every month for fifty years, but seven years ago walked out of the courtroom for the last time. My only involvement in legal matters at Prin is in consulting with our daughter, Dory Smith, who served as Athletic Director at the
If you have important information Principians should know about, you should present that as soon as possible to the Committee chosen to organize such information. If you are afraid of recrimination, find a safeguard that will permit you to present evidence, without being punished. The future of Principia depends upon those who will stand up and be heard.
(1) Restructuring Our Present Administrative Organization
For ten years, I co-moderated an annual think tank for city officials with Dr. Benjamin Baker, head of the Political Science Department at
I understand that the Board considered relieving the C. E. O. of duties relative to the college, and that there was some interest in such a change. I also understand the idea was withdrawn because such might hurt the C. E. O.'s feelings. Perhaps it is time to revisit that proposal, and with a more mature approach. In fact, my suggestion might really hurt someone's feelings.
What would happen if the C. E. O. had no jurisdiction over either campus? What would happen if the Headmaster ran the
The answer is simple. We don't need a C. E. O. Our big problem arose when the C. E. O., with no experience in such matters, began telling the Headmaster and President how to run their schools. There might be a need for an administrator to give support services to both campuses, and coordinate efforts of activities such as the Alumni Association. It is important, however, that we place the education part of our school in the hands of the educators, who should report directly to the Trustees.
Another re-structuring that is needed is changing the perpetual trustee provision. The wrong people could get control of the millions of dollars set aside for future years, and vote huge salaries we might not even know about for months. You think that couldn't happen? Don't bet the future of Prin on it. There are many plans that would work. What would be wrong with letting all alums who have continued to show a desire to remain in our directory have a vote? I am sure the evidence at mediation will show that our present Board is not infallible. Why is the opinion of twelve alums so much wiser than the opinion of thousands? How much more difficult would it be for an ambitious person to control thousands of votes, than to control twelve votes?
(2) Making Sure The Real Issues Are Presented, And Supported With
Sufficient Evidence
Remember, the mediation process is the Board's method of choice. I suggested that we have a hearing at Prin before getting into the legal process, but neither the Board, nor any member of the Board, even responded to my request. I agree with Professor Bobbie McAdoo, an authority in this field, that mediation is not the proper forum for this dispute. Why, then has the Board refused to meet with Principians and discuss the issues, as I suggested?
The Board has nothing to lose in mediation. If the mediator decides in its favor, the Board feels vindicated. If the mediator decides against the Board, it will have already filled a new board that can carry on forever, and with perhaps less oversight than that which has recently ruffled a few feathers.
When you read the list of questions proposed by the Board, you realize that the trustees have set their ducks in order, and are prepared to defend the C. E. O., at any cost to Principia. I am sure some of the trustees would like to see the C. E. O. resign, so this problem might go away. A few very close to the situation have assured me that such will not happen. They say the C. E. O., for reasons of ego and finances, would shut down the school before he would resign.
I would like to add one more question to the list the Trustees want to have heard:
Which Board members received the "GEORGE IS GONE!" celebration message? Some of the Board members were so involved in the effort to fire George Moffett that they would have naturally received the notice. Let us hope that there were members of the Board who, though they let it happen, did not concur in, nor find joy in, such a mean-spirited ending to the outstanding career of this great man.
From reading the questions, I got the feeling the Board might be preparing to change its defense from "We wanted George to stay," to a "George was a great president in many ways, but he was not a good administrator." If George was not a good administrator, it took someone a heck of a long time to find out.
From: "Kristin Mange" <>
Subject: Seattle Principia Club invites you to become a member
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 15:50:06 -0600
Dear Principia Alum,
The Principia Club of Seattle invites you to renew your membership or become a new member of their Principia Club! Be a part of the larger Principia family across the country and around the world.
Your membership dues will help your club send prospective students to visit Principia, and bring Principia faculty and staff members to your area to present their knowledge and expertise to you. Christmas Sings, Picnics, and Video Events also provide a great opportunity to gather with other Principians and friends of Principia.
To join online go to and follow the link to the online registration form. You may also join over the phone by calling 1-800-218-7746 ext 3152.
We look forward to welcoming you as a member!
Many thanks,
Kristin Mange
Alumni & Field Relations
The Principia
1-800-218-7746 x3152
Are you a member of your local Principia Club? Join online!
From: Terri Jackson []
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:52 PM
Cc: Jeff Williams;; Larry Harrison; Liz
Jensen; Kim Browning
Subject: To Principia Club Presidents from the Alumni & Field Relations Office
Dear Principia Club Presidents,
How grateful we are for each of you, for your faithfulness and your
steady and heartfelt love of Principia.
You may be aware, through the grapevine, that there is a bit of
controversy going on at Principia, and you may not be sure what to
make of all this. It is difficult to accurately report on what is
going on without becoming part of the problem we are seeking to
resolve, or adding to the "he said, she said" rumor mill. We are not
inclined to help mortal mind extend a cause.
If there is one thing you do need to know, it is that one infinite God
governs, and is greater than the belief of many minds. Now is the
time for patience and poise, to stand firm on a spiritual foundation
of trust and love for all mankind. The statements from the Principia
Trustees, the governing body of the institution, are the official
statements from Principia and convey all the information you need.
The most important thing you need to know is that there is a great
deal of good going on at Principia, a renewal of Mrs. Morgan's vision
for Principia and real spiritual progress with the goal of providing
blessing points in the lives of students and alums. This current
turmoil is nothing more than an attempt to claim that just the
opposite is real and taking place. What is needed now is patience and
poise, expressed in a grace that blesses all mankind.
Students, faculty, and staff are joyously going about their business
of the daily educational routine, as intellectual progress, spiritual
growth, and limitless activity continue without interruption. So it
should be with Principia Club events. Your club activities mirror the
goodness being expressed daily here at the school and nothing should
stop that outward reflection of Principia love. Around the world
successful club events are taking place and will continue to take
place as they draw Principians together as family in friendship,
camaraderie, and healing.
I am grateful to a fellow collegue who recently shared with some
Principia friends in the field, the inspiration below. It includes the
attached article by Mrs. Morgan (from Education at The Principia)
which should put it all into perspective. The article opens with
these very telling words:
"Human thought is prone to extremes. The student of Christian Science
needs to be ever on guard against this tendency. From the very
inception of this educational work, we have been conscious of this
tendency, and while at times there has been strong pressure brought to
bear upon us to turn too far to the right hand or to the left, we have
been guided safely through the 'shallows of mortal belief' (Science
and Health, p. 262) and have proved the promise, 'And thine ears shall
hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when
ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left' (Isa. 30:21).
Consequently, without making any serious mistakes, we have kept well
within the safety zone and have brought no problems to our beloved
We urge you to read the entire article. We have the tools we need to
realize healing, and it will result in a blessing for all of us. And
from Hymn 123,
When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.
Grace. [Strong's Exhaustive Concordance] -- The divine influence upon
the heart, and its reflection in the life, including gratitude.
I appreciate the above inspiration that my co-worker allowed me to
share with you, and I encourage all of you to pass along this same
inspiration to others.
This note is written and with much gratitude and love to each of you,
Terri G. Jackson
Principia Alumni & Field Relations
13201 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO 63131
800-218-7746 ext. 3105
314-514-3105 office
314-805-4355 mobile
314-514-3196 fax