Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Friends of Principia #15

July 24, 2007

For the Love of Principia #15

Dear Friends of Principia,

There are a lot of topics and documents referenced herein or attached:

(1) July 16 “Letter to the Family” from the Board of Trustees


(2) Analysis of Trustees’ letter http://www.truthatprincipia.org

(3) “Some Thoughts on Resolution: A Stocktaking by Elizabeth Pond


(4) The Majority Report of the Resolution Committee


(5) July 18 letter to the Trustees by Joy Truitt Turnbaugh [attached]

(6) Notes on the July 19 Meeting of the Town & Country Task Force—Principia Development [attached]

(7) E-mail addresses of the 8 majority members of the Resolution

Committee [included]

(8) E-mail addresses of the Board of Trustees [included]

(9) Explanation of the new automatic e-mail notification option of

new postings now offered by truthatprincipia.[attached]

As you may already know “the other shoe has dropped”. The Trustees announced their conclusions about Stuart Jenkin’s actions during his tenure as CEO and Chairman of the Board of Trustees and other concerns raised by the representative members of the Resolution Committee. They based their findings on Jim Reeve’s report http://www.truthatprincipia.org without waiting for the complete report from the Resolution Committee. In their July 16 “Letter to the Family” http://www.prin.edu/trustees they:

· ignored the majority recommendation to remove Stuart as CEO, “During his term as CEO his leadership style and treatment of employees and people in the community have fostered an atmosphere of intimidation and fear. …concluded that for many in the community it would too difficult to rebuild confidence in Stuart or to move on to broader institutional healing under his leadership.”

· ignored the minority recommendation to place him on probation and concluded that “Stuart Jenkins has fulfilled the duties of his office with great courage and directness and has contributed to necessary changes at Principia….Stuart has acted with integrity.”

· disbanded the Resolution Committee without waiting for their follow up majority and minority reports nor allowing them to pursue areas of their charge to Jim Reeves that were ignored in his 1st report.

· ignored the January 31st faculty vote of no confidence in Stuart Jenkins and request that he be removed as CEO and Board chair.

· ignored call for Stuart’s removal by alumni and friends of Principia [see http://petitionprincipia.org]

· told those who disagree with them to leave PrincipiaSome members of our community may not agree with the choices represented by the Trustee’s decisions and will turn to growth opportunities elsewhere.”

· announced plans to control the content of student communica-tion media (i.e. The Pilot) “set up a Commission on Communications Standards charged with upholding the standards articulated in the Purpose and Policies of Principia”. During the 2006-2007 school year the Pilot was the principle tool for campus discussions about Stuart Jenkins, the Trustees and governance issues.

In one 9 page epistle the Trustees ran roughshod over customary Principia etiquette, and months of promises and commitments they had made to individuals, organizations and the Principia Community.

The Trustees conclusions and edicts contained in their letter are so extreme and indefensible that the focus should shift to them. They hired Stuart Jenkins. They have not only defended him but they lauded him for his actions and methodology after the faculty, many alumni and staff spoke out repeatedly against his tactics and untruthfulness

At the website http://www.truthatprincipia.org, in the entry titled “Trustees: We have asked Stuart Jenkins to remain in his post as CEO” dated July 17, 2007 the contributors have written an excellent analysis of the history of the Resolution Committee and the major elements of the Trustees’ letter.

Also, Elizabeth Pond, the respected Christian Science Monitor writer who wrote the story “Three Weeks in Autumn” in the June 1st Pilot detailing Stuart’s orchestrated removal of George Moffett as College President has penned a new thoughtful analysis “Some Thoughts on Resolution: A Stocktaking”. http://www.truthatprincipia.org . In it she reports on:

· the Trustees mandate that created the Resolution Committee

· the bias and inaccuracy of the Reeves report

· Stuart Jenkins’ version of events

· George Moffett’s version of events

· the Trustees’ dictatorial response to the Committee’s

She navigates the many available source documents, the Reeve’s report and the Trustees’ July 16th letter with clarity, helps us understand the complex and often contradictory accounts and presents a clear picture of what has actually occurred. A very valuable read!

I have also included a letter written to the Trustees on July 18th by an alumnus. She has said “feel free to forward this message to any other Alumni that you know”. It clearly states her opinions on what has transpired and her resolve to see that Stuart is replaced. I believe that if all who are similarly incensed at what continues to transpire at Prin were similarly vocal it would an effective tool. It would help the Trustees understand that their heavy handedness and intransigence do not change the fact that for Prin’s very survival, with any modicum of the integrity upon which Mary Kimball Morgan founded it, Stuart must leave today.

I encourage you to:

(1) read the Trustees’ letter

(2) read the Majority Report from the Resolution Commitee

(3) read the truthatprincipia article

(4) read Elizabeth Pond’s skillful analysis

(5) think prayerfully about Principia, its mission and ideals

Recognizing that doing nothing is enabling the Trustees to recreate Prin in their limited image please consider:

(1) writing the 8 courageous members of the Resolution Committee who courageously concluded that: “For this institution to heal and move forward we all agreed change in the top leadership is needed. [e-mail addresses below]

(2) writing the Trustees to express your concerns with their actions, your desire that they resign so a whole new cast can restore integrity and harmony to Principia’s leadership and your commitment to fight until this happens.[e-mail addresses below]

(3) if you have not done so already, signing the petition on the internet at www.petitionprincipia.org . Some aspects of it are outdated but it the visible way to publicly show your opposition to Stuart remaining at Prin.

(4) talking to your Prin classmates and Christian Science friends and encouraging them to be equally committed.

(5) thinking creatively of other actions that will help move the Trustees in this direction.

(6) Signing up for truthatprincipia’s new automatic e-mail notification option so that you automatically receive by e-mail a copy of the new posting.

Thank you for your love of Principia!

With gratitude,

Paul Schmidt JD, GRI

College ‘71

E-mail addresses of the 8 majority Resolution Committee members:

"Alice Stanley" , "Chrissie Sydness" , "Craig Fredrickson" , "Dorsie Glen" , "Greg Sandford" , "Linda Bohaker" , "Lynne Evans" , "Nancy Heimerl" ,

E-mail addresses of the Board of Trustees:

"Bill Hays" , "Bob Schwentker" , "Catherine Raffles" , "Charles 'Tuck' Spaulding, Jr." , "Chris Towle" , "Helen Ostenberg Elswit" , "Katharine Bullock" , "Maggi Foerster CSB" , "Michael Sharples" , "Scott Shivers" , "Willard Hanzlik" ,


From: Turnbaugh, Joy [

Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:33 AM
To: trustees@principia.edu

Subject: RE: P01043196] Letter from Principia Board of Trustees


It is a sad day when adults act like children and insist that they have not
made a mistake. Your decision to keep Stuart on as the CEO is a bad
decision. I will not donate money to Principia until a change has been made
and will encourage every classmate and Alumni that I come into contact with
to do the same.

Please read the report from the Resolution Committee written by Jim Reeves.
While it still does not express the complete picture of the events that have
taken place, it will provide a glimpse of what has been happening.

The President of the College, George Moffett was asked to resign. He did
not want to resign. He was asked to sign a Confidentiality agreement or
else he would loose income. His secretary released a string of e-mails
between George and Stuart (she was then fired) which demonstrate Stuart's
lack of professionalism, integrity and Christianity.

While I understand the importance of running a business and turning a
profit, Principia is not a business. It is an educational institution and
should be held to a higher standard. What we teach our children in our
attitudes and relationships is far more important than the ABCs. Children
will learn despite the teacher. What they learn about loving, sharing,
cooperation, teamwork, communication skills and Christianity is more
important. The friendly atmosphere, positive attitude and loving feeling
that existed at Principia when we attended cannot exist with a CEO who does
not instill these same feelings from the top down.

It is my opinion that a class or mentor will not teach Stuart to change his
top down, fear driven, management style. And certainly not in the quick
timeframe that he himself expects out of his faculty and staff. The best
resolution to this problem is to replace Stuart with someone who understands
Education and who acts in a Christianly manor.

As two of our classmates are now Trustees I hope that they will be
supportive of this note. While they were not trustees when Stuart was
hired, they may have been influenced by his management style. Please
remember when you were attending Principia and the positive atmosphere that
existed. I would encourage any and all classmates to talk to the faculty to
get their feelings on how the school is managed today. Keep an open thought
to the Truth. Please express your thoughts and opinions to the Trustees to
help them with their very important job of the continuation of Principia.

Thanks for your time.

Joy Truitt Turnbaugh

Please feel free to forward this message to any other Alumni that you know.



Subject: Town & Country Task Force – Principia Development

07:30 AM, July 19, 2007 City of Town & Country Town Hall


Jon Dalton, Mayor, ex-officio Task Force Member

Steve Garrett, City Attorney

John Copeland, City Administrator

Sharon Rothmel, City Planner

Fred Meyland-Smith, Alderman Ward 3, Task Force Chair

Phil Behnam, Alderman Ward 4, Member (absent)

Aja Stokes, Buckland Place Ward 2, Member

Honorable Baca, Administrative Law Judge, Ward 1, Member

Debbie Pyzyk, Wheatfield Ward 3, Member (absent)

Stuart Jenkins, CEO Principia

Skip Mange, Project Officer Principia

John Diehl, Legal Advisor Principia

Bob Brinkman, Development Advisor, Principia

Richard Ward, Brinkman Associate, Principia (absent)


Jim Haven, former Alderman Ward 3

Steve Donaldson, former Alderman Ward 2

Kathy Fienup, Trustee Wheatfield Ward 3

Members of the First Church of Christ Scientist, Town & Country

Members of the Community

Mayor Dalton – The Mayor welcomed all to the Task Force meeting noting the excitement that is growing with Principia’s ideas. He stressed the need for close communications, a timetable responsive to Principia, a link on the Principia website to the City documentation on the project, his plans for a town hall forum, and the appointment of a citizen’s committee to channel ideas to the Task Force and City. He then introduced the members of the Task Force, cited who was absent, noted Fred Meyland-Smith would chair the Task Force, and proceeded to introduce the City staff attending the meeting.

Stuart Jenkins – Stuart thanked the Mayor for the Task Force and stated that community input is important to the project. He explained the environment of the client citing history, budget figures, number of staff/faculty/students; no federal funds were received at Principia (only one of three colleges in that category). Of note, he cited that 20-30 families move to the area each year to attend Principia. He went on to say, that Principia had never opposed any development in the City since 1945.

Stuart asked the rhetorical question, “why now?” concerning the development. He answered that the Board of Trustees have a fiduciary responsibility to consider the use of all capital assets; a percentage of the assets are allocated to the budget annually and this property currently returns no revenue. He cited the $20M borrowed to build athletic facilities at Principia College, $15M for fire protection and a list of some $100M projects to update and maintain the two campuses. The Pre-School is 53 years old, the Middle School requires renovation and the faculty and staff housing needs expansion and remodeling (approximately forty units). He observed that new families in the community and faculty/staff need reasonable cost accommodations. Finally, he said that potential contributors wonder why they are being asked for donations when Principia will not develop prime real estate next door.

Bob Brinkman – Stuart introduced Bob who showed a series of slides starting with the area under consideration for development. The area included 128 acres west of the power lines, additional acreage for the large lake east of the power lines that met MSD storm water requirements (total of 25 acres of lakes – 3 small west of the power lines and one large east of the power lines). The area also included (for the first time) 8 acres south of Clayton Road. He continued on how the Monarch trees would be retained behind the church for hiking and picnics, the Mason Road tree line would be retained and also the right of way along side the road, and how the green space east of the power lines would serve as a buffer to the school and provide cross country trails and an outside classroom. He felt the community could enjoy walking trails, fishing in the lake, perhaps sleigh rides in the winter and maybe paddle boats on the lake. He noted that the Church was not part of the Principia Campus, but was held in fee simple by the Church.

Bob felt that there would be little traffic impact on Clayton and Mason Roads. He would envision entrances on both roads across from the entrances into Wheatfield and some entrances on Clayton.

A 10-minute documentary on Principia College was shown to indicate the architectural excellence that would be brought to this project. Each Task Force Member was given a copy of Robert Craig’s book that depicted the architecture of the Principia College Campus.

Bob showed a vision of the “Morgan Grove” project (items viewable at www.principia.edu/trustees/). He proposed a French Cottage architecture using the same materials the renowned architect Maybeck used in constructing the Principia College. The homes of some 2500 to 3500 square feet would not be one acre, but a village concept with places to eat and other businesses. The development would be maintenance free (occupants would pay a monthly fee). Open public areas in the center, a farmers market and amphitheater He felt the development could not be built if ground cost had to be considered. Principia would retain title to the land. An Inn could be considered.

The flavor of the development would be on a par with Principia College, which was considered to have one of the ten most beautiful campuses in America. It would only be a first class development with no big box retail stores or acres of blacktop or Mc Mansions. It would be a place with heart and serve as a national pallet for developments. There would be no monolithic construction or glass office buildings. He went on to display how the development would look like a village with homes, shops, businesses that would be close to nature and a real sense of home. Bob wanted to build the most beautiful development ever developed in the US.

Stuart Jenkins – He acknowledged with the Principia staff that they will get back to the City with 4 or 5 points. Right now there is no timetable, no plan, no architect, and no village to copy.

Chairman – What is the objective of the development?

Stuart Jenkins – Principia would maintain ownership of the property to ensure the quality of the development. Control, he stated, is the key. “We cannot sell one acre lots”, but will have ground lease lots. He expects to develop this area on a measured pace; no pressure or a mad rush – currently giving away hay bales. Alcohol services in any Inn or business will be discussed internally. Homes will not be for Principia only, but will be open to the public.

No additional meetings were announced.



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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Friends of Principia #14

July 11, 2007

Dear Friends of Principia #14,

Sorry about the 27 days of silence since Friends of Principia #13. A lot has been happening during that time. However, until yesterday it was behind the scenes and I was not free to share what I was hearing.

Attached are some of the long awaited documents released Tuesday by the Resolution Committee. I say “some” because there will follow reports from the majority and minority scheduled to be released this Friday July 13th. I will forward them to you as soon as I receive them.

This mailing includes:

1. Resolution Committee Report by Jim Reeves

2. Resolution Committee Response to findings

3. Resolution Committee Report

It is useful to put these documents into context by reviewing the incredible events of the last 6 months before reading the attached documents and assessing their impact on Principia.

1. CEO Stuart Jenkins offers his resignation to the Board of Trustees and they decline it. [January 30, 2007] As revealed by the Board in April.

2. The faculty votes (71-2) no confidence in Stuart Jenkins and requests the Board of Trustees that he be removed as both Board chair and CEO. [January 31, 2007]

3. The College faculty meets and approves four additional motions, including “no confidence in the current structure and procedures for selection of the Board of Trustees”. [February 1, 2007]

4. The Trustees “reject the College faculty’s 1/31/07 vote of no confidence” and forge ahead with their plan of dispute resolution.[February 13, 2007]

5. The Trustees, forcing a breakneck pace, prescribe that both campuses elect representatives the week of February 19th to be part of the dispute resolution process starting Saturday the 24th.

6. Stuart Jenkins offers to step down from the Board of Trustees at the upcoming April 19th-21st meeting. The Trustees announce they will consider this offer. [March 28, 2007]

7. The petition from hundreds of alumni and friends of Principia asking for Stuart Jenkins to either resign or be removed as both CEO and Trustee, which has 439 signatures, is presented to the Trustees on April 3, 2007. [http://www.petitionprincipia.org]

8. The Resolution Committee describes its progress and

selects Jim Reeves as mediator to assist the process.

[April 13, 2007]

9. The Resolution Committee anticipates it will receive Jim

Reeves’ final report no later than June 4th as he agreed when hired. It will then evaluate his findings and write its own report. Both reports will be presented to the community. [May 14, 2007]

10. The Colleagues of Principia [8 former highly respected

campus leaders] send a letter to the Trustees, the Resolution Committee, Jim Reeves and George Moffett. They ask the Trustees to preserve their credibility and protect Principia by accepting Stuart Jenkins resignation without further delay. [June 9, 2007]

11.The Colleagues of Principia, having not heard from

the Trustees, renew their call for the Trustees to provide

leadership, accept Stuart Jenkin’s resignation and follow

relevant Principia policies in selecting a replacement.

[July 9, 2007]

Despite the overwhelming statements, from faculty, staff, alumni, friends and former administrators, that Principia is not being well served by its CEO, the Board of Trustees insisted that a Resolution Committee be constituted to find additional facts. Since the formation of this representative body the Board has repeatedly refused to take action to resolve the CEO crisis, deferring to the future findings of the Resolution Committee. That committee has now voted by a significant majority [8 of 11 (plus 1 vote for continued prayer) when you take out the vote of the two trustees who have a vested interest in the outcome and also have enabled themselves to vote twice in this review process; 8 of 13 if you count them].

Stuart Jenkins should leave his position as CEO, as a trustee and Principia. Now is the time for the other Trustees to take the responsible action they promised once the resolution process was complete. The eight courageous individuals who have voted that Stuart Jenkins no longer be CEO have represented their constituencies and spoken clearly. They have stood up for Principle and Principia. We should all be very grateful for their unselfish service. Additionally, five other members of the committee voted that Stuart should be placed on probation, a peculiar conundrum at an educational institution whose standard for leadership [Policy 17] is “the most effective individual available” and “that…individual will be continued in office as long as the responsibilities of his office are discharged in ways that contribute to the growth of the institution.” Even the verdict of probation reinforces the need for Stuart to leave Principia.

There are significant problems with the report (it is biased, inaccurate, ignores key documented evidence, is replete with inconsistencies and contains conclusions devoid of support etc.) These can be dealt with later. Now is the time to support the members of the Resolution Committee. Now is the time to require the Trustees to seize the opportunity for good by following the recommendations of the clear majority of the committee and be instrumental in Stuart Jenkins immediate departure from Principia.