Friday, February 9, 2007

Friends of Principia #4

February 9, 2007

Dear Friend of Principia #4,

Since my last e-mail word of the crisis at Principia has continued to spread, some new voices have gone public and partial steps toward reform have been generally rejected.

My effort that began to "speak to" local Principia alumni and friends and a limited list of classmates has, due to your hard work, reached an ever widening circle. Those who have responded to me have universally proclaimed their love for Principia, a commitment to prayer as the basis for a permanent resolution of the present dispute(s) and generally a willingness to speak out in favor of openness and accountability.

Not surprisingly, the necessary changes to make Principia once again reflect "the Policies" enumerated by Mary Kimball Morgan (pp.228-236 Education at the Principia) will take time. This is a marathon and not a sprint. A lack of new public revelations does not reflect inactivity.

Simple answers, which involve merely a reshuffling of the governance deck, [see the Board of Trustees statement dated 2/5/2007] do not provide the fundamental changes that are required to remove the atmosphere of fear and distrust caused by attempting to corporatize Principia for more than three years. Policy #7 reads: "In all its activities, The Principia shall place emphasis upon Principle rather than upon person". This explanation follows: "It shall be made clear that responsibility rests in the office, not in the officer. A vigorous effort shall be made to eliminate guidance and influence through either personality or hero worship. Wherever there is evidence of such personal influence, it shall be the responsibility of the institution and its workers to eliminate the cause as far as possible." See Ruth Bishop to Chairman Bill Hays under Reader's Write at

It has never been my intention to start a personal crusade nor to make a personal attack. I was just alarmed by many indications that I was privy to that something was amiss at Prin. I felt impelled when alerted to the "departure" of the Moffetts [see Former Trustee says president was "forced out" by CEO 2/5/07 Pilot article] and the Pilot article about the CEO's 47% pay raise [see "Two Prin trustees resign over CEO's 47% pay hike" dated 1/22/07] to make certain that others, whom I knew were as committed to Principia as I am, were aware of the current crisis. The Pilot and the Truth at Principia website together provide the information and the vehicles for each of you to make his/her own judgment as to the facts. I just implore you to read, to pray and to be proactive in making your concerns and support known to the Board of Trustees, the CEO, the College President, the faculty, the staff, the Development officers etc. [contact list attached]

You may feel removed in time and place from those whose very livelihoods hang in the balance as Prin struggles to right its ship. However, what you feel, and if and how you speak out, are critical. Principia's unique influence as an idea and an institution far transcends its footprint [less than 1000 students plus several hundred faculty and staff on two St Louis area campuses]. Principia's incomparable strength comes from its service to the "Cause of Christian Science" (Policy #1), its emphasis on character education and the thousands of alumni and friends around the world who are committed to its existence and success in "training its students to think---and to think clearly, vigorously, fearlessly, tolerantly , unselfishly" (Policy #6).

Without seeking it, as a result of my reaching out to the greater Principia community for the last 3 weeks, I have been told first hand of many actions and events that have transpired at Prin over the past three years and continue even as the light of truth is increasingly focused on both campuses. In most instances I have been asked to not share these personal stories. I have kept that trust. At the same time, as the instances grew in number, I have encouraged the actors to come forward and make their grievances public. Each time you speak out by e-mail or letter to the "powers that be" you give courage to those who have been silenced by fear to come forward.

Please continue your prayers, talk to your friends, make known [via e-mail …see attached list of e-mail addresses] your commitment to real change, and read the Pilot and Truth at Principia to keep informed. Remember to speak and act with authority.

With gratitude,

Paul D. Schmidt C'71


(1) Send an e-mail to the trustees:

Bill Hays,

Charles 'Tuck' Spaulding, Jr. ,

Chris Towle ,

Durant Hunter ,

Helen Ostenberg Elswit ,

Katharine Bullock ,

Maggi Foerster CSB ,

Michael Sharples ,

Willard Hanzlik

Stuart Jenkins

(2) Send an e-mail to officers in the Development Office”

Mal Neale N CA, NW. Rocky Mtn States, W Canada

Larry Harrison AZ, S CA, Midwest

Steve Abbott SouthWest, South

Mary Shays NE, mid CA, mid-atl.

(3) Send an e-mail to Dr Traci Bliss blistrac@isu.ed & Gary Krisel the trustees who have resigned.

(4) Send an e-mail to John Williams, President of the Faculty Senate This will not be forwarded to faculty members. To reach faculty members send directly or I will forward them

(5) Send an e-mail of support to George Moffett and Martha Moffett .

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